Saturday, October 1, 2022

Twilight of the Romans IV

Another game of the in-progress rules Twilight of the Britons. An ornery cuss, I persist in using these rules on the continent and call it the Twilight of the Romans. The last three games have seen hairy Germanic types take on the Late Western Romans. This game sees Ostrogoths vs. the Huns, not a Roman in sight. My only house rule is light cavalry horse archers can shoot directly to the rear, the old Parthian shot.


The red arrows show charges and impetuous advances, the yellow arrows recoils. These markers are helpful, since a recoil counts as a move and unit may not make any other move that turn. Charges give negative morale modifiers to the target in the next player turn, and impetuous units must charge straight forward unless they pass an action test to hold. I started using casualty markers mid-game to show where a unit routed, but not in a consistent manner. Next time. Most of the tale can be seen in the following photos. The digital camera decides the mat is sometimes brown, sometimes green.


We broke for dinner here. Steve Thomas has suggested that my Huns should have charged the monks in the woods, who thoroughly disrupted my flanking move around the woods. As a result of a previous discussion, the range of the monks is going to be reduced to 2 BW. But I should have winkled them out with cold steel.  

Somewhere in here an armored Ostrogoth cavalry units was routed. The last Ostrogothic turn follows.

A warrior unit recoiled, taking their support with them. The warriors bumped into Huns behind them and could not recoil full distance. The recoiling unit took another hit, routed and put a hit on their supports. Several of my Huns evaded attack. The one that was bumped into did not. Then they checked morale for being in melee with the folks who had backed into them. A low roll failed the morale test. They already had a hit and light troops rout on the second hit. Their tout put a hit on another light unit, it routed and took another with it. This put me at 9 units routed and my army broke. The Ostrogoths had 4 units and a hero off the table, two away from their breakpoint. They had three units that were a hit away from routing, so the game was closer than the 5-9 score would indicate. We both made errors. I hope to run this matchup again.


I must find some 15mm shaman/Druid/any kind of pagan figures.



Balagan said...

Forged in Battle and Magister Militum do Druids.
But I have no clue what a Hunnic shaman would look like.

vtsaogames said...

Thank you. Any kind of pagan would look better than the monks I currently have. One is carrying a wooden cross.

Neil Patterson said...

You could check out Mark Copplestone's 15mm Barbarica range - fantasy but the Northmen and Picts have a few shaman figures although they may be too fantastical for your needs.

vtsaogames said...

Hmm, perhaps a bit too much for my taste, but thanks for the pointer. Forged in Battle Druids, and for that matter, Monks and such look rather nice.