Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Seven Years War Parade

Folks seemed to like the AWI parade so much that here’s a 15mm Seven Years War parade. The Prussians, mostly Minifigs with some Freikorps (QRF) light infantry and Old Glory 15s hussars, are up first.

From front to back, the infantry are jagers, freikorps, converged grenadiers, infantry regiments followed by the newer fusilier regiments. The cavalry are led by cuirassiers, then dragoons and finally hussars. Yes, I know the grenadiers didn’t carry standards, but the packs came with standard bearers, so there they are.

Fencible Andrew quipped: Cry havoc and let slip the [small racing] dogs of war!

The Russians are mostly Old Glory 15s. They are stockier than Minifigs and slightly larger. The Cossacks are Minifigs. The infantry from front to back are grenadiers, musketeers without coats (the summer wear in Prussia) showing the red waistcoats, then musketeers in green coats who often stand in for the Observation Corps. The cavalry are Cossacks, cuirassiers and hussars.


Phil said...

Spectacular and lovely parade!

Jonathan Freitag said...

I love a parade!